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  • 💻 How This Solo Dev Competes With VC-Backed Companies

💻 How This Solo Dev Competes With VC-Backed Companies

Hey guys. This week’s newsletter is a little different than previous ones. It’ll be a deep dive into an engineer turned successful entrepreneur. If you find this type of content helpful (or not), let me know! Enjoy.

Do you ever feel like it’s impossible to compete with bigger, VC-backed companies? Well it’s not, and this engineer is proof.

This week’s case study is on Shayan. He’s solo-building an analytics tool called LogSnag. And he’s winning out over other VC-backed companies worth billions of dollars.

How is he doing it? You can find the full article here, but here’s a quick summary:

  1. In 2 years, he grew is Twitter following from 2k to 25k using some powerful techniques

  2. Uses an unconventional strategy to SEO that gets him thousands of views a month

  3. Has 3 main growth strategies: SEO, Twitter, and Word of Mouth. Each has been a driver in making his product a go-to analytics tool

Read the full case study here.